Dr. Patel was named one of America's Top Psychiatrists from 2007 through 2016 by the Consumers' Research Council of America
Maheen Patel, MD, FAPA - Psychiatrist in Washington DC
Dr. Maheen Patel Psychiatric Logo
Washington DC Psychiatry
1629 K Street NW
Washington, DC 20006
Maheen Patel, MD, FAPA Psychiatry 1629 K Street NW, Washington, DC  20006
Phone 202-536-2345 Phone 202-536-2345
1629 K Street NW, Washington DC
Dr. Patel was named one of America's Top Psychiatrists from 2007 through 2016 by the Consumers' Research Council of America

Additional Resources

We encourage our patients to be informed, proactive and collaborative in their own care.

Click the following link for WebMD's comprehensive drug index, which is a reputable database specifically geared toward the non-medical population. We strongly encourage you to utilize it to familiarize yourself with your own medications.

Web MD Drug Information Index

psychiatry resourcespsychiatry resourcespsychiatry resources

The following are direct links to various WebMD Health Centers focusing specific psychiatric conditions. Each is an invaluable source of information about the symptoms, the diagnosis, the treatment and the management of a particular disorder. Information regarding additional resources, as well as useful support groups and organizations, is also available at these sites.


Anxiety and Panic Disorders

BiPolar Disorder

OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Eating Disorders

ADHD - Attention-Deficity HyperActivity Disorder



Alcohol and Substance Abuse

psychiatry resourcespsychiatry resourcespsychiatry resources

For further information on any of the above psychiatric conditions, or for information on other psychiatric/mental conditions (not listed above), click the following links:

PsychCentral Index of Mental Health Disorders

WebMD Mental Health Center

psychiatry resourcespsychiatry resourcespsychiatry resources

Click the following link for information about stress management:

Stress Management

psychiatry resourcespsychiatry resourcespsychiatry resources

The following are two valuable support/educational foundations:

Depression and BiPolar Support Alliance - DBSA

National Alliance for Mental Illness - NAMI

psychiatry resourcespsychiatry resourcespsychiatry resources

Click the following link for an extensive list of support groups, educational resources and foundations. Each is dedicated to patients struggling with a particular condition and/or issue. We encourage you to explore these as you find useful and necessary to your overall recovery/coping process.

Mental Health Support Groups